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NEW! - Keywords For This Page: Kids - Family - Information Management

With schedules as cram-packed as they are these days, it's no wonder family members often feel like ships passing in the night. Use this handy notepad to stay in touch with your housemates when you don't get to see them as often as you would like.
This pad includes a combination of fun and informative sections. You can share a virtual hug, relay a message, alert someone of an important issue that needs taken care of, make note of grocery items to buy, or otherwise just bring someone up to speed on the goings on.
Each 6"W x 9"H pad includes 75 sheets -- enough for more than 2 months of catching up. Comes mounted on a sturdy clipboard backing with red adhesive binding.
Perfect for:
- parents to give to kids
- kids to give to parents
- messages between spouses
- notes roommates leave each other
- any time you need to share info with someone you won't see
ALR1012 -- $5.00 (plus S&H)
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