You Are Here: Home - Products - Cooking Among Friends NEW! - Keywords For This Page: Kitchens - Menu Planning - Food - Recipes - Tips And Tricks
"Cooking Among Friends has been a lifesaver for our busy family. I am fairly new to cooking and had my doubts about being able to prepare so many meals at once. However, the recipes are well-written and easy for a novice like me to follow." "With a full-time career, I found it difficult to cook healthy, homemade meals at the end of a long day. Now, not only are we eating healthier, but I am cooking less and spending less!" "I now find myself cooking everything in bulk, whether for my group or just for my family. It's awesome having a stocked freezer!" "I have been using this cookbook for about 2 years now. I started out swapping meals like the book said, but my family was so mad that I would give the food away, that in the end, I've simply made several different recipies at a time and rotated them through the freezer. Then, as time permits, I swap a few with my friends for some of their best cooking. I love to cook, and this is by far the best cookbook I own. Everything is so satisfying and my whole family loves to eat the meals. I also love using the tins with board lids. It's great to have the convienence of pre-prepared foods, but yet I know just what's in them, and can make healthy choices for my family." Want to see your products listed on this site? Sign up to sell your products online. Click here if you would like to submit a product review... Add this page to your Bookmarks!
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