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NEW! - Keywords For This Page: Reminders - Productivity - Goal Setting - Calendars / Day Planners - Information Management - Grocery List - Communication - Efficiency - Tasks / To-Do's - College - Shopping - Mobile Office - Back To School - Parents - Car - Kids - Scheduling - Being Disciplined - Holidays - Chores

Grocery store, dry cleaners, bank, post office, sports store to return Johnny's cleats, and on and on. Sometimes it can feel like errands run us, rather than the other way around. Take back control with this handy notepad designed just for tracking your errands!
Record each item you need to do in order -- it's easy to note those that are priorities so you tackle them first. You also can identify those errands others might run for you. And of course, there is the satisfaction of marking an item "done" when you've completed it!
Each 6"W x 9"H pad includes 75 sheets -- enough for more than 2 months of daily errands. Comes mounted on a sturdy clipboard backing with red adhesive binding. Perfect for:
- shopping and grocery lists
- chores you need done around the house
- "on the go" errands to run around town
- projects you're currently working on
- calls, emails, and letters to return
- any to-do you need to do!
ALR1014 -- $5.00 (plus S&H)
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