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If you are looking for a complete guide that will help you regain control -- both at home and at work -- this is the solution you have been waiting for.
Written by veteran organizer Maria Gracia, these comprehensive printable electronic "e-books" (in PDF format which can be read by any computer) provide an incredible number of straightforward tips for organizing your time, space, and paper.
The 405-page home version offers 2875 suggestions for bringing order to your home, your personal time, and your life -- household space organizing, streamlining your chores and errands, preparing for an organized move or vacation, organizing your kids, bill-paying, clearing clutter, and much more!
And the 395-page office version includes 1875 tips for organizing your office -- getting your files in order, creating an efficient work schedule, staying on top of meetings and business travel, financial accounts, delegation, organizing your team, etc.
And both books funciton like organizing "encylopedias". You may either start at the beginning and work your way through to the end -- or use the detailed index to find the exact solution to your problem areas. Includes tips for every area of your life, including:
- paper management and filing
- clearing the clutter and organizing your space
- how you prioritize and use your time
- helping other people get organized too
- special organizing situations that pop up
MAG1006 -- $19.95
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MAG1007 -- $19.95
(no S&H)
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More Information About This Product...
- see a detailed table of contents for the home version
- see a detailed table of contents for the office version
- click link on the checkout "thank you" page to download the file
- need more info? ask a question about this product
- problems checking out? place an order by phone
Things To Know Before You Buy...
What Our Customers Have To Say...
"If you want to have your own personal organizer -- read this book! There are hundreds of great tips, good motivational quotes, and I especially like the how she included bits of advice from her readers and customers. It offers practical checklists for homes and businesses, realistic time estimates, and effective space-saving techniques."
- Karen Denton-Betts
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