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"I used to dread the holidays. Now I’m actually excited to begin the shopping, decorating, card writing and more! This planner has helped me focus my goals and priorities, allowing me to get everything done without going crazy!" "After doing the inventory, my family discovered that we were doing activities just out of habit, not out of joy. So we selected some traditions to discontinue. Instead, we’ll be taking time to enjoy each other in simple ways: making gifts with the kids, baking cookies together, etc." "Finally! Someone has tackled the topic of slowing down during the holidays! I was doing way too much by myself. Now, by selecting activities that our family enjoys and delegating responsibilities to each person, I can actually enjoy myself this year!" Want to see your products listed on this site? Sign up to sell your products online. Click here if you would like to submit a product review... Add this page to your Bookmarks!
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