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September 2001 - Making Public Appearances
"Public speaking is very easy."
- J. Danforth Quayle)
This Month's Featured Articles
"10 Ways To Turn Off An Audience"by Tracy Brinkmann
The fear of public speaking is based in the idea that your audience won't like you or will be bored by your topic. Here are 10 practical tips to keep that from happening.
"7 Keys To Effective Public Speaking"by Sandra Schrift
Think that giving a successful speech is a mysterious skill -- something "others" do well? These 7 guidelines will help you master the art of public speaking!
"Build Your Business Through Public Speaking"by Vickie Sullivan
Think that seminars mean giving away your expertise? Think again! Here are 10 reasons why public speaking one of the best marketing tools out there.
"Deliver Workshops And Promote Your Business"by June Campbell
Everyone talks about the actual presentation as being scary -- but there a lot of logistical issues to consider before you even get up to the podium!
"Handy Tips For Effective Handouts"by Marjorie Brody
The impact of your speaking engagement doesn't have to end when the audience leaves -- not when you provide participants with quality "take home" materials.
"Interruptions: Be Prepared For Them"by Tracy Brinkmann
The sooner you accept the fact that you will be interrupted during at least one speaking engagement, the better you can prepare (and recover).
"Speaking For A Living"an interview with Renee Walkup
If speaking interests you but you don't know where to start, learn from Renee Walkup -- a trainer and speaker who teaches how to give successful presentations.
"Speaking Of Success"by Philip Humbert
Public speaking is a terrific way to build credibility, increase your client base, and "test-drive" new ideas, products, and services -- so why aren't you speaking more?
"Stage Fright"by Tracy Brinkmann
Stage fright is not a terminal disease -- and this article offers a variety of tips for overcoming that knot of butterflies that seems permanently lodged in your stomach.
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